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Employer looking for C12 Training for employees?
Individual looking for their own personal C12 Training? SDS Management
Did you know we can manage your entire SDS infrastructure? Contact us now to try a free demo of our unique system.
Courses We Currently Offer

Based off the 2001 Ontarians with Disabilities Act, the Ontario government decided to further elaborate on this Act. In 2005,

C-12 Driver Training
C-12 Driver Training Course
Driver Training for Waste Management Reg. 347 C-12

Introduction to the MySDS Chemical Database
Introduction to the MySDS Chemical Database in a simple to understand video training module.

Ce cours en ligne sur le SIMDUT 2015 vise à prévenir les blessures, les maladies et les décès en milieu de travail résultant du stockage et de l'utilisation de produits dangereux.

WHMIS 2015
This online WHMIS 2015 course aims to prevent workplace injuries, diseases, and deaths resulting from the storage and use of hazardous products.
Let MySDS Help You Manage Your SDS Database

C12 Driver Training Has Never Been So Easy
Due to government changes all drivers hauling non-hazardous waste are required to have their C12 training and certification furnished by an approved provider.
At MySDS we have tailor made our C12 Online Driver Training to be quick, efficient and one of the most cost effective alternatives to date. We have incorporated a suite of tools to better facilitate your certification as well as track employee training and certification.
Get your C12 training today!

We Also Offer WHMIS 2015 Training
Our course will help ensure that workers understand the hazards posed by chemicals they work with and other essential information. If your workers might come into contact with controlled substances or hazardous materials — you need this course not only for their safety, but to prove your due diligence as an employer should something happen.
Our course is designed to be quick, easy and offers you a simple way to ensure that all your staff is comfortable with WHMIS 2015 provisions and changes.
Start your WHMIS 2015 training right now!

Nous offrons également la formation SIMDUT 2015
Notre cours aidera à s’assurer que les travailleurs comprennent les dangers posés par les produits chimiques avec qui ils travaillent et d’autres renseignements essentiels. Si vos travailleurs peuvent entrer en contact avec des substances contrôlées ou des matières dangereuses — vous avez besoin de ce cours non seulement pour leur sécurité, mais aussi pour prouver votre diligence raisonnable en tant qu’employeur si quelque chose se produisait.
Notre cours est conçu pour être rapide, facile et vous offre un moyen simple de s’assurer que tout votre personnel est à l’aise avec les dispositions et les changements SIMDUT 2015.